Dear K-1 families, Welcome to Stratton! My name is Mrs. Nolan (Ashly Nolan) and I will be your teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. In kindergarten, students will learn to make new friends, play, and become part of the classroom community. Together we will read lots of new books, write, count, discover, and explore the world around us!
On your kindergartner’s first day of school please be sure to bring the following:
1 complete set of extra clothes in a bag (labeled with their first and last name to keep in the classroom) in case of spills or accidents.
A large backpack that students will take to and from school each day. The backpack should be large enough to fit a lunchbox and folder.
A lunch box to take to and from school each day.
A pair of corded headphones (no earbuds please) in a ziploc bag with your child’s first and last name.
A printed 4x6 picture of your family. Please write your kindergartners’ name on the back.